Hull #169 – Siren
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Quick Facts
- Model: Cruising
- Year Built: 1969
- Hull #: 169
- Vessel Name: Siren
- Owner Name: Suzanne Horvitz and Robert Roesch
- Hailing Port: Philadelphia
Sailboat History
October 24, 2020 – My wife and I moved Siren back to the Chesapeake on the Sassafras river. We spent most of this summer working on her, new paint, more varnish. I lead all the halyards to the cockpit, an age requirement. Enclosed are some summer snaps.

Siren at rest.
January 19, 2020 – She has been with my wife (Suzanne Horvitz) and me (Robert Roesch) for the past 28 years.. We bought her on Eastern Long Island in 1992 and sailed her to the Chesapeake’s eastern shore. Since then we have moved her up and down the coast with long stays on Barnegat bay and the Sassafras river on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake.

Bristol 27 Siren at the dock. Beautiful sheer lines.
Owner Comments
January 20, 2020 – I rebuilt the connection between the bulkheads and the hull, rebuilt the rigging and wiring to the masthead, painted every surface that was gelcoat, built dordade boxes, sewed new cushions, And I’m always changing out hardware for stainless steel, and the list is never finished. I sail her as a work in process, we grow old together, with aches and pains and all the rest. I think she is a perfect sailboat, narrow beam, low freeboard, so she is sea-kindly. She has a sheer line that would make a grown man cry. She has a galley, a head, we plug-up the cockpit drains and with a solar shower tied to the boom above we have great baths. We sleep in the forepeak.
January 19, 2020 – She has been an ongoing project for us. She has great Moorehouse sails, A new Yamaha engine, A few years ago we had her planed down up to the waterline and build back for a nice hard surface. We try to keep up on her varnish, and keep her as bristol as possible without compromising the joy of sailing her nonstop through every season. She behaves very well in all kinds of weather but the trick is reef her to suit the weather, she hates being over canvased. With my advancing age, we have moved all the halyards and reef lines to the cockpit, lovely.. After I sailed her for a few years, I noticed she sailed to windward better with people riding up front, I put 300 pounds of ballast behind the water tank. It’s still there!
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